Long Term Disability Overview
Coverage when you need it most. In the instance you are disabled beyond our short term disability policy, at no cost to employees, we provide an insurance with MetLife to cover you for up to 60% of your earnings up to a maximum of $12,500 per month.
Once you are out on Short-term Disability (STD) for about 90 days, the claims specialist will begin your application for Long-term Disability (LTD). Assuming you continue to remain disabled, this financial benefit can potentially run until you attain age 65. You do not need to enroll into this coverage – it is provided free of charge as an eligible employee of the company.
For more information, you can reach out to the Absence Management Center at 1-800-220-1716.
For more information related to long term disability policies please refer to the summary plan description document on our Benefits Center website under “Resources”